‘Silver Circle’ Fails to Present a Compelling Storyline or Captivating Animation
Silver Circle
1 Star (out of 4)
Lineplot Productions
In a dystopian America (circa 2019), the U.S. government has begun its Big Brother tak-over of the housing market leaving millions homeless. Inflation has also exploded and citizens are rioting in the streets. Meanwhile, underground rebels are on the move and plotting to undermine the Federal Reserve through countermeasures both economic and violent…
Although this synopsis sounds interesting and relevant to our country’s current socio-political discourse, this film is neither of those things. Director Pasha Roberts brings a potentially compelling Libertarian vision of rebellion to the screen but chooses to do so through an animation style that is too stunted for genuine emotional impact. In speaking with the director, he admits the budget was limited, but even South Park’s creators were able to deliver social commentary that was enlightening and entertaining with limited financial resources. In addition, the animation isn’t the only thing holding the film back. Much like its setting of Washington D.C., the script is built on a swamp of clichés - from the “good-guy-turned-rogue agent” to the “vengeful sister whose brother’s murder was made to appear a suicide” to the powerful government villain who trims Bonsai trees while dispatching his evil orders. The whole thing is a veritable encyclopedia of tiresome, overused plot elements.
The story begins with the Strategic Housing Reserve (a government entity) seizing occupied homes to control market prices. A protest ensues and an innocent bystander is shot by Federal troops when he reaches for his cell phone and is (mistakenly) believed to be pulling a gun. Later that night, the housing development is set on fire via a series of cell-phone-activated bombs set by a member of a covert rebel group. The entire event is videotaped by the assailant and placed online for viral viewing. Enter the hero, Jay Nelson (voiced by De’Lon Grant) who works for the Strategic Housing Reserve. He begins investigating the arson and the initial clues lead him across the path of a very “punk-rock” real estate assistant named Zoe Taylor (voiced by Philana Mia). Together, they navigate an overly predictable plot involving zero-drama car chases, textbook conspiracies, and two-dimensional henchmen who are (of course) shot indiscriminately by their criminal bosses when they fail to capture Jay and Zoe. All the while we are treated to periodic monologues about the mistrust of government, the need to return to a metal currency, and the necessity of violent actions to stop the government.
Ultimately, the film comes across with the sole intention of trumpeting the horn of a particularly controversial economic philosophy. In fact, a guitar player in the movie actually wears a Ron Paul T-shirt to hammer the symbolism home (just in case you missed it). The climactic scene would surely have anti-government types frothing at the mouth if not for the fact that the storyline and animation leading up to it were so bereft of imagination or excitement that I doubt many would get that far to enjoy it.
It seems as though the film’s goal is not to entertain or educate but to convince Xbox or Playstation to buy the licensing rights to a video game where the player’s goal is the destruction of the Federal Reserve. This film would probably fare better financially if reincarnated for that medium. Despite being a possibly intriguing social commentary that presents an often censored point of view in the movie industry, this cart lacks the proper wheels to truly bring the goods to market.
Author Bio:
Snapper Ploen is a contributing writer at Highbrow Magazine.