men and women

Donald Trump, Political Correctness and the Problem of ‘You Guys’

Rebekah Frank

According to an interview Trump gave on “Fox and Friends” the day after the debate, (the Rosie jab) got “the biggest applause of the evening actually, so it was sort of interesting.” That says a lot about the people present at the debate and their feelings not just about Rosie O’Donnell, but about women in general and what sort of treatment they are deserving of. When Kelly continued to press Trump on his history of derogatory statements about women he responded quite predictably, “I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct."

Is Krista Heflin the New Face of Feminism?

Stephanie Stark

Heflin— who asks that most of the details about her personal information be withheld because of the many threats she is faced with— says that contrary to the speculation from most, her ideals are not products from traumatic personal experiences. Instead, she says it’s based on the simple desire to make men safer in order to create a better world.  “A great deal of violence is carried out against men, by other men... and even some women,” she says “Most documented crime and violence is, and has essentially always been, male-on-male or male-on-female.”

No Means No: The Meaning of Consent Online vs. Real Life

Rebekah Frank

The thing that makes the Lulu app problematic, aside from its heteronormativity, is the fact that it does not require consent from the men being rated.  Not only are men not able to see their own ratings, but they are not even informed of their presence on the site.  In order to determine whether or not they are being rated online, they have to either ask a female friend who is a user or download the app themselves.  

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