
These Are the Nominees Who Deserve to Win the Oscar

Forrest Hartman

Anyone who has followed the Oscars knows that factors outside artistic integrity play into the eventual winners. Must a film or performance be great to land a nomination? Generally, yes. But the art is only part of the equation. Studio support, marketing campaigns, the past work of a nominated artist, and even the reputation of key players have a role in determining winners. Therefore, we think it’s worthwhile to toss those factors aside and talk about who deserves to win this year’s Academy Awards.  

The Best Films of 2023

Forrest Hartman

Christopher Nolan’s meditation on the father of the atomic bomb is tense, dramatic, and beautifully crafted from the first frame to the last. Much credit goes to Cillian Murphy, whose interpretation of the title character is worthy of an Oscar, and Robert Downey Jr., whose reading of Lewis Strauss reminds us that he is so much more than Iron Man.

It’s a ‘Barbie’ World and We’re Just Living in It

Forrest Hartman

When Stereotypical Barbie (Margot Robbie) has an existential crisis due to unrelenting thoughts of death, the appearance of cellulite, and a sudden flattening of her feet, she is forced to transition from her world into our own. We learn this when the heroin visits Weird Barbie (Kate McKinnon), who isn’t what she used to be because her owner played with her too hard. The brutal play regimen resulted in chopped hair, a marker-tatted face, and legs bent into eternal splits.

The Turbulent History of Barbie

Ariana Powell

The Barbie brand has taken great major steps to become more racially and culturally inclusive. The first Black Barbie, Christie, was released in 1969. Teresa, the first Hispanic Barbie was released in 1980, and the first Native-American Barbie arrived in 1993. But it wasn’t until 2016 when Mattel released their Barbie Fashionistas collection, and seven different skin tones, 22 eye colors, and 24 hairstyles were implemented in the doll design.

The Most Anticipated Movies of 2023

Ben Friedman

The trailer set to Also Sprach Zarathustra pays direct homage to 2001: A Space Odyssey, highlighting the tongue-in-cheek humor Gerwig brings to the property. Accompanied by lavish costuming, impressive set designs, and dance montages, Barbie looks to achieve something wholly unique. Hopefully, the film shares more in common with The Lego: Movie rather than G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra.

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